BER Certificate Specialists

BER Certificate Specialists

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I Get a BER Certificate?

As of 2009, all homes that were sold or put out for rent needed a BER (Building Energy Rating) certificate. All tenants and potential homeowners can demand a BER certificate from the landlord or sellers. It also comes with an advisory report that will provide suggestions to improve energy performance.

YourPro provides a BER certificate along with a detailed advisory report. This will show all the improvements needed in the house. Our  experts also help carry out these improvements and help improve the energy rating for the house. Learn more about BER certification from YourPro and why you should contact us.
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Why Choose YourPro For Your BER Certificate in Ireland?

YourPro has been providing customers in Ireland with BER certificates for a long time. Our experts will help you obtain a BER certificate and recommendations to improve your home's energy efficiency. We are the number one destination for all your professional service requirements.
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Obtaining a BER Certificate

The Building Energy Rating (BER) is an international standard for the energy performance of buildings. It is based on a building’s carbon dioxide emissions, its annual heating and cooling energy use, and its annual water consumption. The BER Certificate is issued by a third party organisation and can be used as a guide for home buyers to determine whether their home qualifies for a mortgage or higher value at resale. To obtain a BER Certificate, please contact YourPro, and we will be glad to assist.
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What Locations are Serviced in Ireland By YourPro experts for BER Certificate?

YourPro has experts that can provide you with a BER certificate in no time. Our teams operate across Ireland. When you contact us for a BER certificate, we’ll connect you with someone close to you and an expert in the field.
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What Information Is Needed To Get a BER Certificate?

The building energy rating (BER) is a government-mandated program that provides information about the energy efficiency of a home. The BER certificate allows you to compare your home’s performance to others in your area. This can help you make more informed decisions about how to improve your home’s energy efficiency. To get an energy rating for a home, you will need to provide us with information on the following: 
  • The square footage of the home
  • If it is a new or existing building
  • The area you live in
  • Any other comments about the house
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What Affects a Home’s BER Rating?

The BER is calculated by taking into account the efficiency of each component in a home, including windows, insulation, heating systems and cooling systems, and appliances (including refrigerators and air conditioning systems).

The BER also takes into account the age and construction materials used in your home. If you have high-efficiency windows and doors, you’ll have an easier time keeping out heat, cold, and dampness - which all affect how much energy your house uses.
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How Long Does a BER Certificate Last?

A BER certificate is valid for 10 years. You can renew the certificate by contacting YourPro.
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What is the Cost of a BER Assessment?

There is no standard fee or rate when it comes to a BER assessment in Ireland, which is why it’s best to look around for the best prices with quality services. For an estimate, you’ll usually pay about €150 for an apartment and between €200 and €300 for a typical home. It all depends on the size and how many items need to be checked.
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How Long Does YourPro Take To Complete a BER Assessment?

Obtaining a BER certificate from YourPro is quick. Our experts will take about an hour to complete the assessment. In that time, we’ll need to gather information about the home, and examine the walls and the HVAC system.
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Is BER Rating Mandatory in Ireland?

Yes, a house BER Rating has been mandatory in Ireland since 2009. This rating is a system that allows you to compare your power consumption with other similar homes and businesses to see how much energy you use, and what kinds of energy sources are being used.
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Why Is YourPro the Best When It Comes To Getting a BER Certificate in Ireland?

YourPro has years of experience in the industry and is able to offer you a wide range of services. We can help you with your BER certificate and have plenty of experience in this area. Our team of experts understands energy efficiency and can provide viable solutions to improve the energy rating for your home.
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How Do I Contact YourPro for My BER Certificate?

If you have any questions about your BER Certificate or need our help regarding a BER Certificate already issued, please fill out the form on our site. You can chat with us on our site; someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
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Contact us for a Quote!

A BER certification is now mandatory, and our experts at YourPro will make your certification process as seamless as possible. Contact us today and see why our customers rate us so highly.
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