Attic Conversion Specialists

Attic Conversion Specialists

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Planning Permission Necessary for My Attic Conversion in Dublin?

You will need planning permission in Dublin if you have the exterior of your dwelling altered. For example, if you need one or both sides of the roof raised to increase the interior height of the attic. To make it liveable and add more light, use dormer style windows to increase the natural light and square metres of habitable space; therefore, planning permissions are required to alter the exterior of your home.

 If the attic conversion you are planning is only working on the interior, then the situation is different. If you are not changing the outside of the structure, you can complete most projects without needing third-party planning permissions. Still, you will have to meet all other attic conversion regulations.

 Lucky for you, our experienced attic conversion specialists will be there to guide you through all the steps required to make your attic conversion design come to life! They can take care of all those interior attic conversion projects to fit your time and budget needs.

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Is it Easy to Find a Specialist to Convert My Attic in Dublin?

With YourPro, finding a dedicated contractor to convert your attic in Dublin has never been so easy! Download our app or visit our website, and within minutes and a few simple selections, you can find somebody who is perfect to work on your attic project.

One or more of our vetted contractors will be in touch with your attic conversion estimate, and you choose the one to best suit your budget and time needs. With our site, you can check out the contractor’s previous work, ratings, and reviews with the click of a button.

 Whether you live in the more remote Dun Laoghaire in the South District or in the heart of Dublin, like the City Centre or the tourist hub of Temple Bar, our attic conversion experts are at.

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What Can My Attic Space Convert Into?

There are so many possibilities, and luckily, with YourPro, you have the skilled and vetted experts for all your attic renovation projects needs right at your fingertips. Here are some of the more popular attic conversion ideas in Dublin:

  •  Additional Storage Space
  • Extra Living Space
  • Master Suite with an Ensuite Bathroom
  • Extra Bedroom
  • Soundproof Office Space
  • Library or Reading Nook
  • A Home Gym
  • A Home Theatre
  • Game Room
  • Children's Playroom
  • Nanny's Quarters

 Whatever you choose to do with your attic conversion, our service providers have years of experience and expertise behind them to complete your project.

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What is the Cost to Have My Attic Converted in Dublin?

Attic conversions in Dublin can be quite costly, depending on what you want to have done. If your attic is partially finished already, it will cost less than a complete attic conversion. But an attic conversion also offers a lucrative return on your investment. Our helpful cost estimate tool on our app or website will allow you to see an estimate for what your project entails while making your service selections. For example, when converting your attic and selecting such options as painting, framing, drywall, flooring, plumbing, and electrical, you would be looking at a cost estimate between €430 to €4050 depending on the amount of services and work required.
If you are looking at replacing or adding thermal insulation, you would be looking at roughly €16 per square metre. But that installation alone could save you up to 70% on your heating costs once completed.

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Will Converting My Attic Space Increase My Property Value in Dublin?

Yes! And while converting your attic in Dublin can be quite expensive, converting your attic space is a valuable and effective way to gain usable square meters in your home without adding an even more costly extension. This allows you to add value to your home without increasing the size of your dwelling.

Our contractors have the expertise to get you the best value out of your attic conversion.
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What Kind of Access Would I Need to Make My Attic into a Habitable Space?

If you are looking for more than a space for storage, maybe you want to turn your attic into a master bedroom or living room. There are things you must take into consideration as there are guidelines that you must meet to follow the attic conversion regulations.

For one, you must have a minimum 800mm wide staircase with 2 metre head height. You must also ensure there is a guaranteed means of escape in case of an emergency such as fire, and you must also upgrade the walls with fire-resistant materials. Luckily, we can send you somebody who can help you ensure your attic space meets all requirements and regulations.

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What If There Isn't Enough Headspace for my Attic Conversion? ?

We don't want you to stress about the attic conversion. Our contractors have the experience and solutions to resolve that issue! They can help determine what needs to be done to achieve the proper height of no less than 2.4 metres. They will also identify any other obstructions such as chimneys, water pipes, etc. that may be in the way. 

Once we have the proper planning permissions, YourPro’s builders can evaluate your needs and then plan to raise your roof on one or both sides. Thus, giving you the height to make your attic a functional space.

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Can I Convert My Attic Space if I Live in a Rental Unit in Dublin?

You, as the tenant, have limits with what you can do to convert your attic space if you don't have written consent from the homeowner. Things you could do as the tenant to improve your attic space are painting, wallpaper installation, and light fixture updates. And we have experts who can do that. With proper consent from the owner, a more extensive attic conversion can be done.

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